Fatemeh Nazardokht



Fatemeh Nazardokht



Sabahattin Ali

  • Character: Sabahattin Ali
  • Date: October 2022
Iranian caricaturists - Fatemeh Nazardokht - women caricaturists
Fatemeh Nazardokht drew the Turkish writer Sabahattin Ali for the competition. Sabahattin Ali, as the owner and editor of the satirical weekly Marco Pasha, faced government censorship due to his political views. His writings led to his imprisonment, and tragically, he was fatally shot by the security services during an escape attempt. Nazardokht depicted Sabahattin Ali’s pen as prison bars, symbolizing how his words became the cause of his captivity, highlighting his sacrifice for his beliefs and the expression of his values. Additionally, she portrayed his hair with dotted lines, emphasizing his seriousness and determination in pursuing his goals. As a result, Nazardokht received the success prize in this competition.